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What do texting symbols mean - What does.
There are so many texting symbols that its difficult to remember all of these. Today we are showing you most popular symbols used along with their meaning.
Texting Symbols & Abbreviations. Often, people wish to send text messages as quickly as possible. Text message symbols, such as smiling faces, frowning faces and
Loads of cool texting symbols that you can use in your text messages and emails, on our text symbols list. Text message symbols are a fun way to shorten your text
Texting Symbols List For Facebook |.
Rose Text/Image
90 Most Used Texting Symbols
Texting Symbols List
What does the =) symbol mean in texting. I got this symbol =) in an email, and I don`t know what it means
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Georgia Rose TextingTexting Symbols

30.09.2011 · Texting symbols save your time and character count thus saving your money. But knowing the right texting symbol for the right expression is important. Keep
Text abbreviations, text acronyms, text symbols, emoticon meanings - SMS dictionary, Dictionary of abbreviations, acronyms and emoticons for texting, Chat rooms and
List of the texting symbols for facebook will be helpful to express your feelings and also save your time and effort of typing some letters while communication.
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23.03.2012 · Find meanings of the acronyms and short forms used while messaging from the following texting symbols list. This will help you enjoy texting and decipher
Text abbreviations, text acronyms, text.
Chat Smiley Symbols Texting Cryptic.
List of Texting Symbolscryptic language, visual smiley symbols,smileys, text email and chat symbols and abbreviations , kids slang, enslish slang, chat smileys, chat slang, smileys for kids
Text abbreviations, text acronyms, text.
How to make a pouty face with texting.
sopermone - 27. Nov, 13:42